Three Gold Eagles
One windy evening, some years ago, before there were computers and a man on the moon, a man came to stop at our store in a dusty part of our state. I remember it must have been well before Christmas, as the catalog hadn’t arrived yet, but it was cold, the leaves were long gone,…
The Bloom is Off the Wild Rose in Pura Vida Land
If you and I ran our household like the government of Costa Rica, we would be living in a box under a bridge (provided the bridge is still standing… many bridges in Costa Rica are way past their life expectancy). I live in Costa Rica and I am staying to watch the parade. We have a government…
The good old days of customer service
I was thinking yesterday about the good old days, when customer service was more than a hollow mantra and really meant just that… service for the customer because, after all, we need and use a service and like to be appreciated for supporting one service offering over another. The old memory banks allowed me to remember a…
And so Gadhafi is Dead
And so Muammar Gadhafi is dead which wasn’t really much of a surprise. It was only a matter of time before he was found. He was found in a sewer near his home town of Sirte, just like a rat – the word he used to describe the citizens of his country. The fact that he didn’t…
Hiking in Iraq
I might be the only one thinking this, but hiking in Iraq doesn’t seem like such a great idea. If you search the internet for the term “hiking in Iraq,” the first listings in search engines such as Google, basically say, just don’t. It might be dangerous. Duh! So, it goes without saying when I…